Monday, January 19, 2009

Chemical Locha- Khanik Borah

Khanik Borah has many stories to tell.. right from Delhi Airport to Vishakhapatnam beach.. he’s done it all. By far the most lovable lad in final year, he can turn the most anxious moments into a laugh riot. But behind the laughter is a man with very deep and intense emotions. Everyone loves him and he loves them all. Lets see what he has to say to our questions..
CY: If you are marooned on a remote island in the pacific and you have the choice of possessing only one of these things, which would you choose and why:
   a) A victorinox Swiss knife with 24 tools
   b) A box of 6 red parachute flares
   c) Your 60 GB ipod
KB: Swiss Knife for sure. Eating is my main priority. I’ll kill animals and cook them to make my meal. I cant survive without food you see…
CY: The achievement that you are most proud of.
KB: I always used to dream of UOP. Getting selected at Jaipur level was like a dream coming true for me
CY: If you could have dinner with any three people (real or fictitious) from any time period, dead or alive, which 3 people would you choose and why?
KB: They would probably be Diya Mirza, Jim Carey and Priyanka: A junior at school.
CY: If you had to choose a movie title for your life story, what would it be?
KB: Treading on the untrodden path
CY: You have a great sense of…..
KB: Determination
CY: What/Who is your greatest motivator?
KB: Adolf Hitler
CY: What is your favourite movie?
KB: The one and only Dostana
CY: You would rather skydive without a parachute than…
KB: Being tormented with physical torture
CY: You are bad at…
KB: Remembering roads and dates
 CY: According to you, what is the height of optimism?
KB: The people chanting KHANIK KHANIK and headbanging when I give a dashing performance with the guitar and sing on stage.
Well.. Thinking that Priyanka would come for dinner with me is another equivalent height of optimism.
PS: Khanik is dearly called ‘Khan’ by his mates. He is currently recovering from typhoid (Hepatosplenomegaly). Chemically Yours wishes him a speedy recovery.

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